Monday, December 4, 2023

Is the Occult, Witchcraft, Antithetical to Christianity?

I was thinking about the occult and secret societies and magick and ritual and thought the real problem with them all is their separation from God, elevation of the human will over God’s, and the lack of interest in divine revelation. The first is the most important for in recognizing that reality emanates from the highest, it fails to see that the highest is God and has His own will which we must submit to. In attempting to change the landscape of reality through our own manipulation of our environment, whether that is in the physical plane or some higher plane towards consciousness or the spiritual, is hubris beyond belief. Second, elevating the human will over God’s will is the cause of this hubris and arrogance and this is why the occult is associated with satanism since satan was the first to attempt to assert his will over God’s. Lastly, ignoring Divine Revelation as in the Holy Scripture, the Church, and the continued work of the Holy Spirit is also foolish. For it assumes again that the emanations of God can be understood by reason or some logical process. Aquinas felt there was a limit to this, others felt that it was impossible altogether outside of God’s special divine act of allowing the creature to have intellection. Either way, it is impossible to do ANYTHING outside of God’s will. My response to a video on secret societies goes something like this: “AMORC or the Rosicrucians also claim to originate back to the ancient Egyptians. Much of this has to do with the secrecy of such groups due to public, and earlier religious, persecution as well as their origins in some rebirth of the Alexandrian systems of magic(k) which are the result of the amalgamation of Jewish, Greek, Egyptian, and Christian perspectives on the spirit alongside a sort of multi-tiered view of varying levels of physical to spiritual reality (neoplatonism, its emanations, and their respective levels of reality). If one reads the Egyptian Book of the Dead as well as any Neoplatonist one will be acquainted with these views and their rich history, perspectives on reality, and influence.” Though I would say that while the emanations reflect something of reality we can’t define them by our intellect nor should we seek to try to change the spiritual realm…or at least the closer we get to the spiritual the less effectual our wills are. The lowest level of reality we can change the easiest or with less offense or defiance to God. The higher we go and attempt to change the worse it is against God or the harder it is to do. We can change things in ethereal realms but only slightly…we can see things in these realms but again only slightly for we are to wait for God to ascend us…not wrong to explore…but to do rituals or assume we can alter, change, or worse control these realms is wrong.

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