Monday, December 4, 2023

What Affects Our Relationship With God: SinS or Sin?

I think far too often Christians are too quick to judge, identify and condemn SINS rather than SIN, and ultimately hurt Christ's Kingdom. In Matthew 7 where Christ talks about taking the mote out of one's own eye. It doesn't state that we CAN take it out though. The presupposing that the pastor here speaks of is assuming something that isn't necessarily given in the text. One would have to point to another passage that suggests one can take out one's own mote or that Christ takes out that mote in a moment. I don't see anywhere in scripture that suggests we achieve the level of holiness to perform this, save outside of Christ's substitutionary sacrifice for our sin. I would think that discernment is more appropriate a term than judgment, in that, one can point out 'ways' in life that do NOT lead generally to Christ. But we aren't in a position to state whether one's eternal destination is forfeit because of sin, only IF we do not accept that gift of God. We CAN state one should repent from sin, or the decision to follow Christ. But HOW that looks isn't so easy to say and we should extend more grace than pronouncement. If we catch someone smoking weed, we shouldn't tell them they are going to hell. Rather explain how that is NOT loving God or people and leave it at that. Likewise the passage in verse 6 about discerning dogs and swine, this isn't suggesting that Christians distinguish between the saved and the unsaved. Rather, within the context of what Jesus is reflecting on and commanding back in chapter 6 concerning worry and prioritizing our lives. This would be an extension on that topic, namely, that we shouldn't treat things that are important to God as if they are the concerns of dogs and swine. We need to recognize the important things in life concerning His kingdom and not the kingdom of this world. Also, when we look at verse 15 and Jesus' words about false teachers, this isn't suggesting that the PEOPLE PRESENTING false teachings are NOT FOLLOWERS of Christ necessarily. It just means that we should judge what is false TEACHING and what is TRUE teaching. For instance, when Peter is rebuked by Jesus for his criticism of God's plan to scourge Him for our sins, Jesus literally says get behind me Satan. And just a passage earlier Peter had RIGHTLY pointed out Jesus was the Christ. So Peter was presenting FALSE teaching even though he WAS a follower of Jesus. So, again, I would be VERY cautious in pronouncements about the eternal destination of a person or their hearts. Correct them YES. Deny that they are following after Christ? No. Now when we read the passage many will say lord lord and not enter into His kingdom. This is also mirrored by the parable of the father with two sons and his vineyard. One says he will tend it and doesn't while the other says he will not and does it. These two passages are merely pointing out the principle of action over said-faith or empty words. If one is not only saying Lord Lord but speaking with people about Christ, are out in the streets loving others and sharing the good news of God, this to me suggests they are doing His will. Now I don't know if these hippies were doing this. But if they struggled with weed and LSD, even if they were struggling with the theological aspects of drugs, this doesn't mean that they aren't saved. Indeed, many followers of Christ had wrong views about circumstances in their life while doing great things for God, loving and caring for people, etc. David Wilkerson did as well concerning some wrong views he held concerning Christian rock and how that may have hurt people. But we don't say that he wasn't saved Now I think that David Wilkerson was a great man of God and did GREAT things. But he was not perfect. Remember he was one of the biggest critics of Christian rock back in the day, which I think most people these days recognize as being on the wrong side of the discussion theologically. Does this mean he was a false prophet or teacher? No. It just means he was wrong on that issue. Likewise, these hippies were wrong on this issue but it shouldn't be an eternal pronouncement against them nor the fact of whether they were growing in Christ.

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