Monday, December 4, 2023

Will Everyone Be Saved Part 1

in homiletics we have expository and topical preaching. And yet, we find that homiletics, which comes from the words homily, means one from the many, discourse, a unified whole of people…it reflects a form of revelation as Barth points out in his dogmatics…but this sort of revelation isn’t universal (for all churches in all times for all people), but provincial (for certain people, in a certain time, practical, etc.) So we have universal and provincial revelation… As to universalism, as per Robin Parry and Talbot, we see a distinction between an existential eschatology and an actual one. The former is something like ‘if you continue doing X you will be in Hell…” It is the natural consequence of staying in X. But this says nothing to whether it will ALWAYS be the case. They further argue for rhetoric. For instance, the rhetoric of the OT concerning the destruction of Sodom or even Jerusalem sounds eternal but in actuality is only for a time and is rebuilt. So, this could be what hell language is like. We wouldn’t tell ppl that if you continue to sin you will go to hell BUT eventually be saved. You withhold the last part of the eschatology for existential reasons, even Origen preached hell fire though he believed in universal salvation. Also consider the trilemma of Talbot…1. That the Bible teaches God wishes all to be saved. 2. The Bible teaches that God CAN save all 3. The Bible teaches that at least some will be in conscious eternal torment in hell for sin.

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